Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Polish it up...

For the past six months or so, I have been downright obsessed with getting manicures.  Now, I've always been a fan of a good manicure (NYC manicures are fab!) as I really feel it keeps your nails healthier and happier.  However, I have been pretty religious about manicures every week or two in recent months.  I'm sure this is due in no small part due to the sparkler on my ring finger.  Something just doesn't look quite right when I have ragged uneven nails next to a pretty shiny bling-y ring!

This is the manicure I got after our engagement weekend, before meeting bridesmaid NYC J for lunch to share the news:
Color: OPI's Mimosas for the Mr. and Mrs.  I thought it quite appropriate. 

I would say that soft pink polish is a pretty typical look for me, as I tend to be more conservative with the colors.  I can picture a manicure like the one above for our wedding day.  But, over the past month or so I've started to move away from the neutrals.  I've been strangely drawn to darker colors instead - two weeks ago I had an awesome navy blue (which was oddly quite pretty) but I unfortunately didn't take any pictures.  This is the color I selected tonight, for a mani/pedi session with an old friend, during which we chatted about her recent job change and my slowly crystallizing wedding plans:

Color: Essie's Angora Cardi
I also like to arrive home after a manicure or pedicure and tell P the name of the color while holding up my hand or foot, because usually I think the puns or other silliness they often use for the names are funny.  This usually results in P rolling his eyes while I giggle.  I think my favorite reaction from him was to OPI's "I'm Not Really A Waitress" - that one actually prompted a smile!

Have you been extra attentive to your nails since getting engaged?  Anyone else a fan of the punny nail polish names?

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