My bouquet included beautiful garden roses, ranunculus, dahlias, antique hydrangea, tea roses, scabiosa pods, dusty miller, and lots of other pretty stuff. It also smelled AMAZING. I had asked for something with light and creamy tones, with the antique hydrangeas worked in, and this fit the bill exactly. My favorite flower, alstroemeria, was also used in all the bouquets and flower arrangements as an accent. In the photo on the right, you can see the heirloom jewelry that the Posey girls tied to my bouquet stems for me. (And my manicure wound up being "Mimosas for the Mr. & Mrs." In case anyone loves nail polish as much as I do and cares about that info.)
And look what else was tucked into my flowers...
My bees, happily nestled amongst the blooms. The two little bees I carried in my bouquet have gone from Mrs. Meerkat (the brain child of the bee charms) to Mrs. Jaguar, then to Mrs. Biscuit, Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. Funnel Cake, Mrs. Sunhat, Mrs. Petit Four, Mrs. Elk, Mrs. Castle, Mrs. Wizard, and Mrs. Unicorn...and finally made their way to me. Such a fun tradition!
The girls' bouquets also included the antique hydrangeas to link them with my bouquet, but I had asked that the rest of their flowers be in darker/richer tones to play off their dresses. Their bouquets included a lot of ranunculus, garden roses, tea roses, alstroemeria, lisanthus, dahlias, and dusty miller. I think they turned out really lush and beautiful.
The boys wore ranunculus boutonnieres with a little dusty miller - cream for Mr. C and darker tones for the groomsmen and fathers. The darker ones were meant to be a deep fuschia but turned out to be more orange - they looked good anyway!
I kept carrying my bouquet around for a while after the ceremony. I just didn't want to put it down! It held up pretty well overnight, and I carried it home with me on the plane back to NYC. It still smelled delicious, and the lady at the baggage check counter for United totally wanted to steal it from me.
Did you love your wedding bouquet as much as I did?
***All photos by Lindsey & Beto Photography.***
Missed a Cauldron wedding day recap? So far, we've had:
Cauldrons Get Hitched!
Wedding Day Morning
Arriving at Pecan Grove
Donning the Dress
More Bridal Attire
Our First Look
The Happy Couple
Bridal Party Pics
Family Fun